Limba song
Ethnomusicological sound recording made by Cootje van Oven. Limba song, accompanied by the konkoleh, inkali and ban (also called bang or hobang among Limba musicians). The song, described as a Poromende song, or Poro, is just meant for happy entertainment in town. The konkoleh is a U-shaped piece of metal hit with a metal beater. The inkali is a hollow log with length-wise slits, hit with two (in this case soft-headed) sticks. The ban is a bass drum. This one is hit with headless sticks, sometimes on the rib of the instrument. The inkali is 33.5" long, its diameter is 10.5". Depth of ban 17", diameter of its drumskin is 23".
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Further Information
- Type: Sound Recording, Musical instruments
- Object: Limba song
- Materials: No Data / Other
- Culture Group: Limba
- Dimensions: No Data
- Production Date: 1966.04.12
- Associated Places: Yagala, near Kabala, Koinadugu District [Place Recorded][Origin of item]
- Associated People: Cootje van Oven [Sound Recordist]; Herb Clark [Sound Recordist]; Gogo Sesay [Lead singer]; Sabba Mansaray [Inkali]; Samba Koroma [Ban]
- Museum: Cootje Van Oven Collection
- Accession Number: CVO:194
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